
The Center for 国际 Education

With more than 200 students from 50 different countries, Loyola is truly a global institution. The Center for 国际 Education (CIE) promotes the internationalization of the university by initiating, 发展中, 和 supporting a wide range of international 和 intercultural educational opportunities for the diverse community at MG游戏官方网站. It is through an array of programs, 事件, 和 resources that we cultivate 和 foster the international character of the university.

Let us help you find your place.

CIE is here to help a diverse community at MG游戏官方网站. Learn more below 和 explore the path most fitting for you.

We're here to help you adjust to Loyola 和 the United States, providing many forms of assistance with all issues regarding immigration, 驾驭学术生活, 住在新奥尔良, 还有更多.

If you're wanting to study abroad, we advise on all information on programs 和 financial aid. 你还在等什么? 开始探索你的世界.

For students mg游戏试玩成员 who want to get involved, we sponsor numerous programs 和 事件 to promote intercultural awareness 和 competence. Check out our offerings 和 get started today.

We provide assistance in hiring international 教师, 发展中 new study abroad programs, 和 advising 和 collaborating on all international programs 和 opportunities. For any help advising on international student issues, reach out to us or request a class presentation.


国际电影节: This free event is an elaborate 和 beautiful showcase of our diverse international community, 让学生, 教师, 和 staff the chance to spend the afternoon learning about the world. 国际 students 和 internationally-minded Loyolans set up tables 和 display a variety of items 和 food from their home countries or countries where they have studied abroad.

海外教育展: This fair features more than 30 representatives from our study abroad programs 和 organizations. This is a great experience for the Loyola community to explore summer 和 semester opportunities to study, 志愿者, 和 intern abroad in more than 50 countries.

国际 Student Orientation: The m和atory orientation covers information that international students need to know 和 provides a wonderful opportunity for them to meet other international students.




所有学生, 教师, mg游戏试玩成员, we would love to hear from you, 和 we're here to help with any of your international-related needs or questions.

We're located at 580 Broadway Street, Founders Hall Room 223

Center for 国际 Education
6363 St. 查尔斯大道205号包厢

办公电话:504- 864-7550
电子邮件: cie@feshine.net

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